Trusting in Hashem

Jumping from Emunah to Bitachon

Do you have Emunah?
“Of course I do! I make brachos, I daven every day, I keep Shabbos…”
Do you have Bitachon?
“Hmm, what’s the difference?”
The Ramban[1] says that Emunah is knowing that Hashem is there and that He loves you. Bitachon is living with it.
Think back to when you first woke up this morning, until now. If you had more trust in Hashem, would your day have been different in any way?
The Mishna Berura[2] says:
שש מצוות חיובן תמידי…וכל זמן וכל רגע שיחשוב בהן קים מצות עשה ואין קץ למתן שכר המצוות…להאמין שיש אלק אחד בעולם שהמציא כל הנמצאות, ומחפצו ורצונו הוא כל מה שהוא עכשיו ושהיה ושיהיה לעדי עד…
So what’s the Mitzva? To always remember at every moment that whatever is happening is Min Hashomayim. It’s all part of G-d’s perfect plan.
What’s the result?
Says the Chovos Halevavos[3]:
מנוחת הנפש. Peace of mind.
If we truly embrace the idea that Hashem is in control and that all is for our good, we won’t get anxious, jealous, nervous, angry or lose any sleep.
If Bitachon is a constant mitzva, then living with it takes a constant effort. These cards are an amazing way to live in the world where, instead of being a human being that has spiritual experiences, you’ll become a spiritual being that has human experiences. Bitachon is the magical pill to all of life’s worries, prescribed by the Divine Doctor Himself.
Side effects include: happiness, calmness, resilience, self-control and confidence.

Submitted by: Rabbi Moshe Zeldman

[1] ספר האמונה והבטחון, פ״א
[2]  סימן א׳, באור הלכה
[3] שער הבטחון, הקדמה

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