The American Dream

The American Dream

In America, we chase after dreams. The "American Dream," which may have originated with pure intentions, has become a slogan for a life of wealth and luxury. The basic understanding is that in America, you can make enough money to bury your worries, stresses, and anxieties, and be everlastingly happy. The problem is that few actually achieve that goal, while millions become frustrated, tired, and angry trying. Everyone knows that money doesn't buy happiness, but at least it should buy me no worries. Yet, it doesn't. It creates more issues, as it states clearly in Pirkei Avos, "Increased possession, increased worry."

As the world keeps turning, there has been a rebirth of old ideas and a renaissance of time-tested values. So many years ago, Hashem took the Jewish people into the desert and told us to trust Him. We should trust that He'd protect us from our enemies. We should trust that He'd send us our daily food. We should trust that He'd take care of our lodging, clothing, and travel. The Jewish nation lived in the desert for forty years under Hashem's guidance and protection. They were simple, yet happy, and were able to serve Hashem (of course, they wanted very badly to go to Eretz Yisroel).

Trusting in Hashem, Bitachon, is a way of life that creates tranquility, peace of mind, and true happiness. The Chovos Halivavos teaches and guides us on this old path, and the lessons from a thousand years ago are still extremely relevant today. When one learns the path and works hard to stay on it, he is reborn and becomes energized from an inner force of life that simply lay dormant inside him for many years. Bitachon is not a quick fix, nor is it a pill to swallow; rather, it is a gradual and deep process wherein one learns to drop his own desires and expectations in life and embrace Hashem's desires and expectations. The amazing thing is that Hashem wants quantitatively and qualitatively more for me than I even knew I wanted for myself. I trust this to be true!

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